T Cells with Upgraded Molecular Computers Can Sort Out Tumor Targets / Le cellule T con computer molecolari aggiornati possono individuare i bersagli tumorali
T Cells with Upgraded Molecular Computers Can Sort Out Tumor Targets / Le cellule T con computer molecolari aggiornati possono individuare i bersagli tumorali Segnalato dal Dptt. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa T cells engineered to kill cancer cells have had some success solving a relatively simple problem: recognizing a single cancer-associated antigen. Working at this level, T cells can sometimes target relatively simple cancers, such as hematological cancers. But solid tumors represent a more difficult problem. They are less likely to express a single antigen that clearly distinguishes them from healthy cells. To zero in on solid tumors, engineered T cells may need to recognize cells that express distinctive combinations of nonspecific antigens. In other words, if engineered T cells are to attack solid tumors, they will need more sophisticated logic circuits. Instead of simply recognizing whether a single input is present, T cells to process multiple input