Detection of low-abundance serum proteins associated with cardiovascular diseases for prognostic purposes / Rilevazione di proteine sieriche a bassa abbondanza associate a malattie cardiovascolari a fini prognostici
Detection of low-abundance serum proteins associated with cardiovascular diseases for prognostic purposes / Rilevazione di proteine sieriche a bassa abbondanza associate a malattie cardiovascolari a fini prognostici Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Classic risk factors of cardiovascular diseases have limitations as predictive and prognostic tools. As the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide, cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes a family of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. The primary origin of CVD is most often atherosclerotic in nature, in which fatty plaque deposits line arteries and obstruct circulation of blood. The etiology of CVD is multifactorial and is shaped by the interaction of genes and environment and further influenced by age and gender. Since its initiation in 1948, the Framingham Heart Study has identified measurable elements or characteristics that are associated with the occurren