Levitazione acustica: un’antica “tecnologia” ritrovata? / Acoustic Levitation: an ancient "technology" found?
Levitazione acustica: un’antica “tecnologia” ritrovata? / Acoustic Levitation: an ancient "technology" found?
Che cos'è la levitazione acustica?
Sfruttando le onde sonore è possibile fare fluttuare nell'aria piccoli oggetti solidi o liquidi. Il fenomeno si può ottenere con un dispositivo realizzato per la prima volta al Politecnico di Zurigo.
Una dimostrazione dall'Argonne National Laboratory (USA). / A demonstration by the Argonne National Laboratory (USA).
La levitazione acustica è un fenomeno che può essere ottenuto sfruttando alcuni principi fisici in grado di contrastare la forza di gravità. In particolare, la levitazione acustica è una tecnica che permette di far muovere piccoli oggetti solidi o liquidi nell’aria, senza che vengano “toccati” in alcun modo, sfruttando la pressione generata dalle onde sonore.
La levitazione acustica è un fenomeno che può essere ottenuto sfruttando alcuni principi fisici in grado di contrastare la forza di gravità. In particolare, la levitazione acustica è una tecnica che permette di far muovere piccoli oggetti solidi o liquidi nell’aria, senza che vengano “toccati” in alcun modo, sfruttando la pressione generata dalle onde sonore.
ARIA. In pratica, una
piccola porzione di materia, per esempio una goccia di liquido, La levitazione acustica è un fenomeno
che può essere ottenuto sfruttando alcuni principi fisici in grado di
contrastare la forza di gravità. In particolare, la levitazione acustica è una
tecnica che permette di far muovere piccoli oggetti solidi o liquidi nell’aria,
senza che vengano posta tra una superficie che emette
onde sonore e una che le riflette, può restare sospesa nell’aria in posizioni
Il fenomeno è stato
ottenuto con un dispositivo realizzato al Politecnico di Zurigo, che permette
di controllare in modo preciso il movimento dei corpi che levitano, di spostare
più oggetti insieme e persino di manipolarli (per esempio unendo e mescolando
le gocce di liquido).
Inoltre, con questo
dispositivo è possibile maneggiare qualunque tipo di materiale. Grazie a
questo, si valuta la possibile applicazione per il trattamento in sicurezza dei
materiali pericolosi, come rifiuti tossici e sostanze radioattive, che non
avrebbero più bisogno dell’azione diretta dell’uomo.
Le proprietà del suono, come la pressione esercitata dalle onde acustiche, erano già state sfruttate per mantenere in aria piccoli oggetti , ma si è sempre trattato di levitazione statica. Daniele Foresti, invece, è riuscito a manipolare e muovere piccole quantità di oggetti solidi e liquidi, senza alcun tipo di contatto con altri strumenti. Evitando così interazioni o contaminazioni come quelle che avvengono in chimica e nella produzione di farmaci. Per “muovere” gli oggetti sospesi il ricercatore italiano ha utilizzato “tanti levitatori, l’uno vicino all’altro, come per far passare la palla da uno all’altro, guidando in questo modo il movimento di un oggetto”.
Sfruttando le vibrazioni del suono è dunque possibile levitare, trasportare in aria e ruotare oggetti di qualsiasi materiale con una sezione fino a 7 millimetri, senza limiti di lunghezza. Il levitatore può muovere gocce di leghe metalliche fuse, che possono essere mescolate insieme per formare nuovi materiali oppure per l’incapsulamento del solido-liquido. Oppure si può eseguire la trasfezione del DNA (inserimento di materiale genetico nelle cellule) evitando in questo modo problematiche che insorgono con le tecniche tradizionali.
“La levitazione acustica non l’abbiamo di certo inventata noi, – afferma Daniele Foresti– strumenti per la levitazione acustica, ossia l’utilizzo di onde sonore per mantenere in aria piccoli oggetti, esistevano da decenni”. E’ possible allora che fin dai tempi più remoti la levitazione acustica fosse conosciuta e sperimentata?
Già nella Bibbia in effetti si narra che gli ebrei, dopo aver girato per una settimana intera attorno alle mura della città di Gerico, suonando le loro trombe, fecero crollare le ciclopiche mura della città. Anche uno dei complessi di templi Maya più misteriosi, quello di Uxmal, sarebbe stato realizzato sfruttando le levitazione acustica. Una leggenda maya narra che “il lavoro di costruzione era facile, non dovevano far altro che un fischio e le pesanti pietre andavano al loro posto”. Anche i mistero che circonda gli antichi Egizi e la costruzione delle piramidi, considerate dei giganteschi diapason, rimanda al concetto di levitazione sonora. I sacerdoti egizi erano depositari delle “Parole del Potere” che, se pronunciate correttamente, producevano un modello tridimensionale in risonanza con l’Etere, generando l’effetto desiderato o un’ energia in grado di spostare gli oggetti.
Anche in India e Tibet la levitazione è ancora oggi praticata dagli yogi e dai monaci buddisti . Si narra che nel 527 A.D., il fondatore Hindu del Buddhismo Zen, Bodhidharma, visitò il Monastero Tibetano Shaolin e insegnò ai monaci a controllare l’energia del corpo allo scopo di praticare la levitazione. Anche Santa Teresa D’Avila fu soggetta a fenomeni di levitazione, alcuni di essi documentati ( duecentotrenta sacerdoti cattolici l’hanno vista volare) e descritti nel volume “Libro de Su Vida”. La santa ha descritto così il fenomeno: “la levitazione arriva come un colpo, improvvisamente e chiaramente, prima di raccogliere i pensieri e prenderne coscienza, ti senti portare via da una nuvola e una grande aquila…sapevo di essere in aria…devo dire che quando finiva la levitazione, mi sentivo stranamente leggera nel corpo come se non avessi peso.”
Fino ad oggi la scienza moderna ha ottenuto la levitazione attraverso diversi principi fisici, soprattutto magnetici, elettrostatici e ottici, in grado di contrastare la forza di gravità. Tuttavia l’aspetto affascinate di questo nuovo esperimento di levitazione acustica è che la manipolazione non dipende dal materiale con cui sono costituiti gli oggetti. E questo può aprire la strada a varie applicazioni nel campo della gestione di materiali tossici, pericolosi o radioattivi. Ma esperimenti come questo ci ricordano anche che le leggende del passato sono meno misteriose di quanto immaginavamo. E che la scienza, spiegando e dimostrando quei fenomeni cosiddetti “inspiegabili”, può divenire uno strumento in grado di collegarci con la parte più divina che è in noi.
What is acoustic levitation?
Taking advantage of sound waves you can float in the small solid or liquid objects. The phenomenon can be achieved with a device for the first time at the Zurich Polytechnic.
The acoustic levitation is a phenomenon that can be obtained by exploiting certain physical principles able to counteract the force of gravity. In particular, the acoustic levitation is a technique which allows to move small solid objects or liquid into the air, without being "touched" in any way, exploiting the pressure generated by sound waves.
UP IN THE AIR. In practice, a small portion of the subject, for example a drop of liquid, The acoustic levitation is a phenomenon that can be obtained by exploiting certain physical principles able to counteract the force of gravity. In particular, the acoustic levitation is a technique which allows to move small solid objects or liquid into the air, without being placed between a surface emitting sound waves and one that reflects, can remain suspended in the air in fixed positions.
The phenomenon has been achieved with a device created at ETH Zurich, which allows you to precisely control the movement of bodies levitate, move more objects together and even to manipulate them (for example by combining and mixing the liquid droplets).
Moreover, with this device it is possible to handle any type of material. Thanks to this, it evaluates the potential application for treatment in the safety of hazardous materials, such as toxic waste and radioactive substances, which would no longer need direct human action.
In the sea of information in which we are immersed and in which often floundering, there are extraordinary news that recede into the background with ease. As it happened, for example, with the discovery of a new acoustic levitation method "on the move". The experiment, described in the journal of the US Science, PNAS, was developed by the research group at the ETH Zurich, led by the Italian Daniele Foresti twenty-nine.
The properties of the sound, as the pressure exerted by the acoustic waves, had already been exploited to keep in the air small objects, but it was always static levitation. Daniele Foresti, however, managed to manipulate and move small amounts of solid and liquid objects, without any kind of contact with other instruments. Thus avoiding interactions or contamination, such as those that occur in chemistry and in the manufacture of drugs. To "move" suspended objects the Italian researcher has used "many levitators, next to each other, as if to pass the ball from one to another, in this way the driving of an object" movement.
Taking advantage of the sound vibrations is therefore possible to levitate, move and rotate objects in the air of any material with a section up to 7 mm, any length. The levitator can move drops of melted metal alloys, that can be mixed together to form new materials or for the encapsulation of solid-liquid. Or you can perform the transfection of DNA (insertion of genetic material into cells) thus avoiding the problems that arise with the traditional techniques.
"The acoustic levitation we have certainly not invented by us, - says Daniele Foresti- instruments for acoustic levitation, which means the use of sound waves in the air to keep small objects, existed for decades." And 'possible then that since ancient times the acoustic levitation was known and experienced?
Already in the Bible in fact it is said that the Jews, after touring for a week around the walls of the city of Jericho, sounding their trumpets, brought down the Cyclopean walls of the city. Even one of the most mysterious Mayan temples complex, that of Uxmal, was achieved by exploiting the acoustic levitation. A Mayan legend tells that "the construction work was not easy, though, should not be more than a whistle and the heavy stones fell into place." Even the mystery surrounding the ancient Egyptians and the construction of the pyramids, considered the giant tuning fork, please refer to the concept of sound levitation. The Egyptian priests were custodians of the "Words of Power" that, when pronounced correctly, producing a three-dimensional model in resonance with the Aether, creating the desired effect or an 'energy can move objects.
Even in India and Tibet levitation is still practiced by yogis and Buddhist monks. It is said that in 527 A.D., the founder of Zen Buddhism Hindu, Bodhidharma, visited the Tibetan Shaolin Monastery and taught the monks to control the body's energy in order to practice levitation. Also St. Teresa of Avila was subject to phenomena of levitation, some of them documented (two hundred and thirty Catholic priests saw it fly) and described in the book "Libro de Su Vida". The saint has described the phenomenon: "levitation comes as a blow, suddenly and clearly, before you collect your thoughts and become aware of it, you feel carried away by a cloud and a grand eagle ... I knew I was in the air ... I must say that when the levitation ended, I felt strangely light in the body as if I had no weight. "
Until today modern science has obtained the levitation through different physical principles, especially magnetic, electrostatic and optical, able to counteract the force of gravity. However the fascinating aspect of this new experiment of acoustic levitation is that manipulation does not depends on the material with which the objects are made. And this can open the way to many applications in the field of management of toxic materials, hazardous or radioactive. But experiments like this also remind us that the legends of the past are less mysterious than we imagined. And that science, explaining and demonstrating these phenomena so-called "unexplained", can become a tool able to connect with the divine part in us.
What is acoustic levitation?
Taking advantage of sound waves you can float in the small solid or liquid objects. The phenomenon can be achieved with a device for the first time at the Zurich Polytechnic.
The acoustic levitation is a phenomenon that can be obtained by exploiting certain physical principles able to counteract the force of gravity. In particular, the acoustic levitation is a technique which allows to move small solid objects or liquid into the air, without being "touched" in any way, exploiting the pressure generated by sound waves.
UP IN THE AIR. In practice, a small portion of the subject, for example a drop of liquid, The acoustic levitation is a phenomenon that can be obtained by exploiting certain physical principles able to counteract the force of gravity. In particular, the acoustic levitation is a technique which allows to move small solid objects or liquid into the air, without being placed between a surface emitting sound waves and one that reflects, can remain suspended in the air in fixed positions.
The phenomenon has been achieved with a device created at ETH Zurich, which allows you to precisely control the movement of bodies levitate, move more objects together and even to manipulate them (for example by combining and mixing the liquid droplets).
Moreover, with this device it is possible to handle any type of material. Thanks to this, it evaluates the potential application for treatment in the safety of hazardous materials, such as toxic waste and radioactive substances, which would no longer need direct human action.
In the sea of information in which we are immersed and in which often floundering, there are extraordinary news that recede into the background with ease. As it happened, for example, with the discovery of a new acoustic levitation method "on the move". The experiment, described in the journal of the US Science, PNAS, was developed by the research group at the ETH Zurich, led by the Italian Daniele Foresti twenty-nine.
The properties of the sound, as the pressure exerted by the acoustic waves, had already been exploited to keep in the air small objects, but it was always static levitation. Daniele Foresti, however, managed to manipulate and move small amounts of solid and liquid objects, without any kind of contact with other instruments. Thus avoiding interactions or contamination, such as those that occur in chemistry and in the manufacture of drugs. To "move" suspended objects the Italian researcher has used "many levitators, next to each other, as if to pass the ball from one to another, in this way the driving of an object" movement.
Taking advantage of the sound vibrations is therefore possible to levitate, move and rotate objects in the air of any material with a section up to 7 mm, any length. The levitator can move drops of melted metal alloys, that can be mixed together to form new materials or for the encapsulation of solid-liquid. Or you can perform the transfection of DNA (insertion of genetic material into cells) thus avoiding the problems that arise with the traditional techniques.
"The acoustic levitation we have certainly not invented by us, - says Daniele Foresti- instruments for acoustic levitation, which means the use of sound waves in the air to keep small objects, existed for decades." And 'possible then that since ancient times the acoustic levitation was known and experienced?
Already in the Bible in fact it is said that the Jews, after touring for a week around the walls of the city of Jericho, sounding their trumpets, brought down the Cyclopean walls of the city. Even one of the most mysterious Mayan temples complex, that of Uxmal, was achieved by exploiting the acoustic levitation. A Mayan legend tells that "the construction work was not easy, though, should not be more than a whistle and the heavy stones fell into place." Even the mystery surrounding the ancient Egyptians and the construction of the pyramids, considered the giant tuning fork, please refer to the concept of sound levitation. The Egyptian priests were custodians of the "Words of Power" that, when pronounced correctly, producing a three-dimensional model in resonance with the Aether, creating the desired effect or an 'energy can move objects.
Even in India and Tibet levitation is still practiced by yogis and Buddhist monks. It is said that in 527 A.D., the founder of Zen Buddhism Hindu, Bodhidharma, visited the Tibetan Shaolin Monastery and taught the monks to control the body's energy in order to practice levitation. Also St. Teresa of Avila was subject to phenomena of levitation, some of them documented (two hundred and thirty Catholic priests saw it fly) and described in the book "Libro de Su Vida". The saint has described the phenomenon: "levitation comes as a blow, suddenly and clearly, before you collect your thoughts and become aware of it, you feel carried away by a cloud and a grand eagle ... I knew I was in the air ... I must say that when the levitation ended, I felt strangely light in the body as if I had no weight. "
Until today modern science has obtained the levitation through different physical principles, especially magnetic, electrostatic and optical, able to counteract the force of gravity. However the fascinating aspect of this new experiment of acoustic levitation is that manipulation does not depends on the material with which the objects are made. And this can open the way to many applications in the field of management of toxic materials, hazardous or radioactive. But experiments like this also remind us that the legends of the past are less mysterious than we imagined. And that science, explaining and demonstrating these phenomena so-called "unexplained", can become a tool able to connect with the divine part in us.
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