Coronavirus, al via i test di cinque vaccini italiani: i risultati a maggio / Coronavirus, the tests of five Italian vaccines are underway: the results in May
Coronavirus, al via i test di cinque vaccini italiani: i risultati a maggio / Coronavirus, the tests of five Italian vaccines are underway: the results in May
Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa
Sono partiti in Italia i test preclinici di cinque vaccini contro il coronavirus. Sono tutti condotti dall'azienda biotech Takis, i risultati sono attesi a metà maggio e la sperimentazione sull'uomo potrebbe partire in autunno. Lo ha detto l'amministratore delegato dell'azienda, Luigi Aurisicchio. I vaccini si basano su diverse regioni della proteina Spike, la principale arma con cui il virus aggredisce le cellule respiratorie umane.
Gli studi.
I test, autorizzati dal ministero della Salute e condotti su topi, prevedono una prima iniezione, seguita da un richiamo. I risultati saranno quindi analizzati dalla Takis e dall'Istituto Spallanzani. Queste valutazioni permetteranno di individuare il candidato vaccino migliore in vista dei test clinici: «Selezioneremo quello che si dimostrerà più potente nell'indurre anticorpi anti-Covid 19», ha osservato Aurisicchio. Se i risultati saranno soddisfacenti, il vaccino potrebbe essere sperimentato sull'uomo nel prossimo autunno.
Materiale genetico.
I cinque vaccini sono stati ottenuti a partire dai frammenti del materiale genetico del virus che corrispondono ad altrettante regioni della proteina S, o Spike (punta, artiglio), che il coronavirus SarsCoV2 utilizza per agganciarsi alle cellule del sistema respiratorio umano per penetrare al loro interno. Tutti e cinque i vaccini si basano invece sulla tecnologia chiamata elettroporazione, che consiste nell'iniezione nel muscolo seguita un brevissimo impulso elettrico che facilita l'ingresso del vaccino nelle cellule e attiva il sistema immunitario. L'azienda è riuscita a cominciare la sperimentazione preclinica senza finanziamenti esterni, ma adesso per poter proseguire nella ricerca ha lanciato una campagna di crowdfunding che ha lo scopo di raccogliere velocemente la somma necessaria per accedere alle fasi successive di sviluppo del vaccino.
Preclinical tests of five coronavirus vaccines have started in Italy. They are all conducted by the biotech company Takis, the results are expected in mid-May and human trials may start in the autumn. The CEO of the company, Luigi Aurisicchio said so. The vaccines are based on different regions of the Spike protein, the main weapon with which the virus attacks human respiratory cells.
The tests, authorized by the Ministry of Health and conducted on mice, provide for a first injection, followed by a recall. The results will then be analyzed by Takis and the Spallanzani Institute. These assessments will help identify the best vaccine candidate for clinical trials: "We will select the one that proves most powerful in inducing anti-Covid 19 antibodies," Aurisicchio observed. If the results are satisfactory, the vaccine could be tested on humans in the autumn.
Genetic material.
The five vaccines were obtained from the fragments of the genetic material of the virus that correspond to as many regions of the protein S, or Spike (tip, claw), which the coronavirus SarsCoV2 uses to attach to the cells of the human respiratory system to penetrate inside them . All five vaccines are based on the technology called electroporation, which consists of the injection into the muscle followed by a very short electrical impulse which facilitates the entry of the vaccine into the cells and activates the immune system. The company managed to start the preclinical experimentation without external funding, but now in order to continue the research it has launched a crowdfunding campaign that aims to quickly collect the amount necessary to access the next stages of vaccine development.
Preclinical tests of five coronavirus vaccines have started in Italy. They are all conducted by the biotech company Takis, the results are expected in mid-May and human trials may start in the autumn. The CEO of the company, Luigi Aurisicchio said so. The vaccines are based on different regions of the Spike protein, the main weapon with which the virus attacks human respiratory cells.
The tests, authorized by the Ministry of Health and conducted on mice, provide for a first injection, followed by a recall. The results will then be analyzed by Takis and the Spallanzani Institute. These assessments will help identify the best vaccine candidate for clinical trials: "We will select the one that proves most powerful in inducing anti-Covid 19 antibodies," Aurisicchio observed. If the results are satisfactory, the vaccine could be tested on humans in the autumn.
Genetic material.
The five vaccines were obtained from the fragments of the genetic material of the virus that correspond to as many regions of the protein S, or Spike (tip, claw), which the coronavirus SarsCoV2 uses to attach to the cells of the human respiratory system to penetrate inside them . All five vaccines are based on the technology called electroporation, which consists of the injection into the muscle followed by a very short electrical impulse which facilitates the entry of the vaccine into the cells and activates the immune system. The company managed to start the preclinical experimentation without external funding, but now in order to continue the research it has launched a crowdfunding campaign that aims to quickly collect the amount necessary to access the next stages of vaccine development.
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