
Graphene probe gives new insight into brain activity / Sonda al grafene dà una nuova visione dell'attività cerebrale.

Graphene probe gives new insight into brain activity /  Sonda al grafene dà una nuova visione dell'attività cerebrale. Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Joseph Cotellessa. (Credit: ICN2) Researchers at the EU’s Graphene Flagship have developed a graphene-based neural probe that could help our understanding of diseases such as epilepsy. Based on graphene field-effect transistors, the new device is capable of recording brain activity in high resolution while maintaining a strong signal to noise ratio (SNR). The work,  published in the journal  2D Materials , brought together several Graphene Flagship partners from Germany and Spain, including TU Munich, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2). “Graphene is one of the few materials that allows recording in a transistor configuration and simultaneously complies with all other requirements for neural probes such as flexib

Proposed system to control turtles with brainwaves / Sistema proposto per il controllo delle tartarughe con onde cerebrali.

Proposed system to control turtles with brainwaves / Sistema proposto per il controllo delle tartarughe con onde cerebrali. Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Joseph Cotellessa. Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have devised a system for remotely controlling the movement of turtles using human thought. The concept relies on a turtle’s instinctive behaviour to move towards light. By attaching a black semi-cylinder with a small opening to the turtle’s back, the animal’s movement could be guided by blocking its vision in a particular direction. To do so using human thoughts, the team proposes a brain-computer interface (BCI) that can translate brainwaves into commands which move the opening in the cylinder, thereby controlling the turtle. As well as the semi-cylinder to guide movements, the turtle’s ‘cyborg’ system would include a Wi-Fi transceiver, a Raspberry-Pi computer control module, a bat

Moondust heater could keep astronauts warm on the lunar surface / Riscaldatore basato con la polvere della Luna poteva tenere gli astronauti al caldo sulla superficie lunare.

Moondust heater could keep astronauts warm on the lunar surface / Riscaldatore basato con la polvere della Luna poteva tenere gli astronauti al caldo sulla superficie lunare. Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Joseph Cotellessa During lunar night temperatures can drop as low as -170°C Engineers at the European Space Agency (ESA) are working on technology that could help keep the inhabitants of future manned lunar bases warm during the long lunar night. The system under development uses solar concentrators to store heat in the lunar soil (or regolith) during the day which can then be released during the lunar night. Depending on the altitude, lunar night can last for as long as two weeks, with temperatures often dipping below -170°C. Numerous robotic missions have perished during this prolonged cold. Russia’s Lunokhod-2 rover, for instance, failed to make it through the night in May 1973, its radioactive heater having gradually run down

In arrivo la pillola che inverte l’invecchiamento? / Is arriving pill that reverses aging?

In arrivo la pillola che inverte l’invecchiamento? / Is arriving pill that reverses aging? Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Joseph Cotellessa Due significativi  passi in avanti nelle terapie  anti-invecchiamento  in un sol colpo. Il primo si deve a un’équipe di ricercatori della  University of New South Wales , in  Australia , coordinata da  David Sinclair , che, come  racconta sulle pagine di  Science , ha identificato i processi molecolari che consentono alle cellule di riparare i danni al  dna  causati, per l’appunto, da invecchiamento e radiazioni. Il secondo, invece, è frutto del lavoro di un gruppo di scienziati dello  Erasmus University Medical Center , in  Olanda , che hanno messo a punto – e testato con successo su topi da laboratorio – un trattamento in grado di indurre al  suicidio  le cellule anziane. I dettagli della scoperta  sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista  Cell . Un  meccanico  per il dna Cominciamo d

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