
Fibre optic sensor could help treat inoperable brain tumours / Il sensore a fibra ottica potrebbe aiutare a trattare tumori cerebrali inoperabili

Fibre optic sensor could help treat inoperable brain tumours /  Il sensore a fibra ottica potrebbe aiutare a trattare tumori cerebrali inoperabili Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa UOW’s Dr Enbang Li led the research Researchers at Australia’s University of Wollongong (UOW) have developed a tiny fibre optic sensor that they claim could help speed the roll-out of an advanced new technique for treating inoperable brain tumours. Just 50 microns in diameter, the sensor has been hailed by the group as a major step forward in the use of an emerging technique known as Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT), which promises highly accurate treatment of cancers. MRT – which uses parallel beams of x-rays, each smaller in diameter than a human hair – is thought to hold particular promise for the treatment of brain tumours, where the risk of damaging surrounding tissues often mitigates against the use of existing radiotherapy treatments.

EVs and autonomy drive new skills requirements in the automotive industry / EV e autonomia guidano nuovi requisiti di competenze nell'industria automobilistica

EVs and autonomy drive new skills requirements in the automotive industry /  EV e autonomia guidano nuovi requisiti di competenze nell'industria automobilistica Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Bosch has over 2000 engineers working on automotive connectivity The rapid development of automated and connected vehicles is creating new skills requirements in the automotive industry Automation, connectivity and the parallel development of electric vehicles are at the heart of car makers’ strategies. According to Joerg Schlinkheider, Jaguar Land Rover chief engineer for automated driving, the company uses the abbreviation ACES, for automated-connected-electrified-shared. “ACES is in our DNA now for the future,” he said, adding that “automated vehicles will be connected to the cloud, to the customer and to all kinds of service”. At the same time, major markets, from Europe and the US to China, are demanding electric vehicle

Small vibrating sensors help spot early signs of disease and infection / Piccoli sensori a vibrazione aiutano a individuare i primi segni di malattia e infezione

  Small vibrating sensors help spot early signs of disease and infection /  Piccoli sensori a vibrazione aiutano a individuare i primi segni di malattia e infezione Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Microelectromechanical resonators Purdue University researchers have developed small vibrating sensors to identify biological markers in blood, an advance that could help  early stage  detection of diseases and infections. The plate-style microelectromechanical resonators reportedly allow for sensitive, inexpensive detection of biomarkers using just a drop or two of blood. “The goal here is to find the disease so early that you can treat it without invasive surgery,” said Jeffrey Rhoads, a professor in Purdue’s School of Mechanical Engineering. “The test looks for a particular protein related to a disease, so you could use this for the detection of many different diseases.” The sensors use a piezoelectrically actuated resonant micros

Scientists mimic photosynthesis to produce ethylene / Gli scienziati imitano la fotosintesi per produrre etilene

Scientists mimic photosynthesis to produce ethylene /  Gli scienziati imitano la fotosintesi per produrre etilene Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Scientists have developed a prototype device that mimics natural photosynthesis to produce ethylene gas using only sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The advance from the National University of Singapore (NUS) produces ethylene at room temperature and pressure using benign chemicals, and could be scaled-up to provide an alternative to current ethyleneproduction. The development led by assistant Professor Jason Yeo Boon Siang from the Department of Chemistry at NUS Faculty of Science and the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) was first published in  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering . Ethylene is an important chemical feedstock produced in large quantities for manufacturing plastics, rubber and fibres. Over 170 million tonnes of ethylene was pr

GENIO Italiano Giuseppe Cotellessa: Dall’automazione alla disoccupazione: mito o realt...

GENIO Italiano Giuseppe Cotellessa: Dall’automazione alla disoccupazione: mito o realt... : Dall’automazione alla disoccupazione: mito o realtà? Il procedimento del brevetto ENEA RM2012A000637 potrebbe dare un contributo notevole n...

Marco La Rosa - il sito di ricerca - 10° ANNO: IL “GENIO” ITALIANO… NONOSTANTE TUTTO…NON E’ MORTO...

Marco La Rosa - il sito di ricerca - 10° ANNO: IL “GENIO” ITALIANO… NONOSTANTE TUTTO…NON E’ MORTO... : All’interno intervista esclusiva al Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa di ENEA. di : Marco La Rosa  Il “PALAZZO DELLA CIVILTA’ ITALIANA”, ...

Marco La Rosa - il sito di ricerca - 10° ANNO: IL “GENIO” ITALIANO… NONOSTANTE TUTTO…NON E’ MORTO...

Marco La Rosa - il sito di ricerca - 10° ANNO: IL “GENIO” ITALIANO… NONOSTANTE TUTTO…NON E’ MORTO... : All’interno intervista esclusiva al Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa di ENEA. di : Marco La Rosa  Il “PALAZZO DELLA CIVILTA’ ITALIANA”, ...

Come manipolare il silicio per la nanoelettronica del futuro / How to manipulate silicon for the nanoelectronics of the future

Come manipolare il silicio per la nanoelettronica del futuro /  How to manipulate silicon for the nanoelectronics of the future Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Immagine al microscopio ottico Dark –field (100X) di motivi complessi ottenuti attraverso la tecnica di dewetting. Ogni motivo si estende per circa 5 micron. (Foto via Cnr) /  Dark-field optical microscope (100X) of complex motifs obtained through the dewetting technique. Each reason stretches for about 5 microns Uno studio ha rivelato come la formazione di goccioline sulla superficie di alcuni materiali a seguito di un riscaldamento possa essere utilizzata per sviluppare tecniche litografiche su larga scala a basso costo. La ricerca, che apre nuove prospettive nel campo della nanoelettonica, è pubblicata su Science Advances. “L’opportunità di creare delle  particelle di silicio  di piccola taglia con controllo di forma e densità attraverso un processo sempl