
What a Year 2020! Thank you Giuseppe! / Che anno 2020! Grazie Giuseppe!

 What a Year 2020! Thank you Giuseppe! /  Che anno 2020! Grazie Giuseppe! Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa   To say this year has been an interesting one would be an understatement. But even with the world shutting down, you helped us inspire, champion and foster creativity across the world.   You shared your beautiful works, told us your stories and got connected. You are the living proof that not even a global pandemic cannot stop the creative spirit! ITALIANO Dire che quest'anno è stato interessante sarebbe un eufemismo. Ma anche con la chiusura del mondo, ci hai aiutato a ispirare, sostenere e promuovere la creatività in tutto il mondo.   Hai condiviso i tuoi bellissimi lavori, ci hai raccontato le tue storie e sei entrato in contatto. Sei la prova vivente che nemmeno una pandemia globale può fermare lo spirito creativo!  

Le emozioni indotte dalla musica possono essere previste dalle scansioni cerebrali / Music-Induced Emotions Can Be Predicted From Brain Scans

  Le emozioni indotte dalla musica possono essere previste dalle scansioni cerebrali /  Music-Induced Emotions Can Be Predicted From Brain Scans Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa I risultati suggeriscono che le emozioni evocate dai film e dalla musica sono parzialmente basate sul funzionamento di diversi meccanismi nel cervello.  L'immagine è di pubblico dominio /  The results suggest that the emotions evoked by films and music are partially based on the operation of different mechanisms in the brain. Image is in the public domain In  base all'attività nella corteccia uditiva e motoria, i ricercatori sono stati in grado di prevedere se un partecipante stava ascoltando musica allegra o triste. I ricercatori dell'Università di Turku hanno scoperto quale tipo di meccanismi neurali sono alla base delle risposte emotive alla musica.  Complessivamente 102 soggetti di ricerca hanno ascoltato musica che evoca emozioni mentre la loro fun

Monocyte Response to Pathogenic Ligands / Risposta dei monociti ai ligandi patogeni

  Monocyte Response to Pathogenic Ligands / R isposta dei monociti ai ligandi patogeni Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa In a study published in PNAS, researchers employed IsoPlexis’ Single-Cell Innate Immune solution to profile differentiated macrophages after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the ligand of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4).  These profiles revealed a level of functional heterogeneity and pathogenic activation that was previously uncharacterized.  By functionally phenotyping single-cells before and after LPS stimulation, it was revealed that macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) enabled the activation of LPS-induced cytokine production.  IsoPlexis technology enables a more complete analysis of immune function in response to pathogenic stimulation, revealing heterogeneity in cell populations that are phenotypically similar. Advanced cellular visualizations and mapping revealed five distinct subpopulations.  Notably, stimulati

Toxicities in Infectious Disease: Cellular & Cytokine Level Monitoring for Toxicities Related to Cytokine Storms / Tossicità nelle malattie infettive: monitoraggio del livello cellulare e delle citochine per le tossicità correlate alle tempeste di citochine

Toxicities in Infectious Disease: Cellular & Cytokine Level Monitoring for Toxicities Related to Cytokine Storms /  Tossicità nelle malattie infettive: monitoraggio del livello cellulare e delle citochine per le tossicità correlate alle tempeste di citochine Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa "There are two kinds of macrophages in the lung, M1 vs M2 macrophages. M1 type macrophages seem to be resident in the lung. Alveolar macrophages seem to be activated by this coronavirus and induce pro-inflammatory cytokines, that does damage to the lung tissue and causes mortality." IsoPlexis spoke to Dr. Moriya Tsuji about his research and experience, where he discussed what he has learned about the cytokine storm response in relation to infectious diseases, such as COVID, the most severe cases of which are usually due to pneumonitis.  "This is the main cause of mortality.  So, in the context of this using humanized mice, or even huma

Fully Automated Functional Proteomics for Predicting & Treating Cytokine Storm Impact of COVID-19 Disease./ Proteomica funzionale completamente automatizzata per la previsione e il trattamento dell'impatto delle tempeste di citochine della malattia COVID-19.

Fully Automated Functional Proteomics for Predicting & Treating Cytokine Storm Impact of COVID-19 Disease. The process of the ENEA patent RM2012A000637 (BEST) is very useful in this application / Proteomica funzionale completamente automatizzata per la previsione e il trattamento dell'impatto delle tempeste di citochine della malattia COVID-19. Il procedimento del brevetto ENEA RM2012A000637 (BEST) è molto utile in questa applicazione Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Lethal Impact of Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients. Recently published data in the Lancet reports the clinical features of patients infected with COVID-19 and highlights the correlation of high levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines, or “cytokine storm,” with severity of illness in the infected patients.  The datas demonstrates that the patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), particularly those with severe disease, exhibited significantly hi

Overcoming Challenges in Infectious Disease / Superare le sfide nelle malattie infettive

Overcoming Challenges in Infectious Disease /   Superare le sfide nelle malattie infettive Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa There are several common challenges within the fields of infectious disease research, vaccine development, protective immune monitoring, and toxicity.  These challenges involve developing vaccines to create protective T-cell response, cellular immune monitoring for protective response early in patients, and cellular prediction and cytokine level monitoring for toxicities related to cytokine storms.  The IsoLight system provides a solution for the single-cell and accelerated population level functional proteomics required to overcome these challenges.  The IsoLight is the only system that can enable researchers to obtain highly multiplexed cytokine data without advanced training or interaction with the samples.  Furthermore, the vercoming Challenges in Infectious Disease CLT-0011 CLT-0013 CLT-0122 CLT-0014 CLT-0126 CLT-0

Program Director at Longdom Conferences & Program Coordinator for Euro Genetics 2021

Program Director at Longdom Conferences & Program Coordinator for Euro Genetics 2021   Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa  It would be a great honor to invite you (Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa) as a Speaker to bond with eminent speakers and scholars engaged in the management of customer relations at Euro Genetics 2021. This event is felicitous to discuss key points on related topics. ITALIANO Sarebbe un grande onore invitarvi (Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa ) in qualità di relatore a unirti con eminenti relatori e studiosi impegnati nella gestione delle relazioni con i clienti a Euro Genetics 2021. Questo evento è lieto di discutere i punti chiave su argomenti correlati.

Third generation EGFR TKIs: current data and future directions / TKI EGFR di terza generazione: dati attuali e direzioni future

Third generation EGFR TKIs: current data and future directions /  TKI EGFR di terza generazione: dati attuali e direzioni future   Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Abstract Acquired  T790 M  mutation is the commonest cause of resistance for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant patients who had progressed after first line EGFR TKI (tyrosine kinase inhibitor). Several third generation EGFR TKIs which are EGFR mutant selective and wild-type (WT) sparing were developed to treat these patients with T790 M acquired resistant mutation. Osimertinib is one of the third generation EGFR TKIs and is currently the most advanced in clinical development. Unfortunately, despite good initial response, patients who was treated with third generation EGFR TKI would develop acquired resistance and several mechanisms had been identified and the commonest being C797S mutation at exon 20. Several novel treatmen