Una nuova tecnica (italiana) per combattere la calvizie / A new (Italian) technique to combat baldness
Una nuova tecnica (italiana) per combattere la calvizie / A new (Italian) technique to combat baldness
Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa
Nel loro lavoro, i ricercatori dell’Idi hanno utilizzato iL-PRF, un cosiddetto emoconcentratore – ossia una sorta di “aggregatore” per il sangue – che contiene piastrine, globuli bianchi, fibrinogeno e altre proteine plasmatiche in alta concentrazione. Sostanzialmente, il paziente viene sottoposto a prelievo del sangue; successivamente, il fluido viene trattato con l’emoconcentratore, e la soluzione viene poi infine reinfusa nel paziente, nella zona della testa in cui si osserva la perdita dei capelli. La terapia, dicono gli scienziati, può essere riutilizzata e non ha particolari effetti collaterali, se non una sensazione di gonfiore o bruciore che scompare spontaneamente 72 ore dopo l’infusione.
Sperimentato su 168 persone (102 uomini e 66 donne) seguite per tre anni, il trattamento si è rivelato efficace nel far ricrescere i capelli nell’80% dei pazienti. Nei pazienti del gruppo di controllo, non sottoposto alla terapia, si è invece registrato un peggioramento della calvizie. La tecnica, dicono gli autori, potrà essere utilizzata anche su pazienti oncologici: “Un possibile campo di applicazione del trattamento”, dice all’Ansa Giovanni Schiavone, primo autore dello studio e responsabile dell’Unità di medicina rigenerativa dell’Idi di Roma, “riguarda anche pazienti che hanno perso i capelli a causa della chemioterapia”.
A biological and cellular therapy, based on the infiltration of blood derivatives, has proved effective in regrowing hair in 80% of patients suffering from baldness.
Baldness, or more precisely, androgenetic alopecia. A disorder that affects as many as 30 million Europeans. For which, taking into account the fact that 3 out of 4 people consider hair as an indispensable aspect of their look and personality, scientific research has long been looking for a remedy. The latest news in this sense comes from the scientists of the Immaculate Institute of Immaculate (Idi) Irccs of Rome, who have just developed a biological therapy, based on the inflammation of blood derivatives, which has proved effective in regrowth of hair in 80% of patients treated for androgenic alopecia. The study was published in the pages of the journal Dermatologic Surgery.
In their work, the IDI researchers used the L-PRF, a so-called hemoconcentrator - a sort of "aggregator" for the blood - which contains platelets, white blood cells, fibrinogen and other high concentration plasma proteins. Substantially, the patient is subjected to blood sampling; subsequently, the fluid is treated with the hemoconcentrator, and the solution is then finally reinfused in the patient, in the area of the head where hair loss is observed. The therapy, scientists say, can be reused and has no particular side effects, except a feeling of swelling or burning that disappears spontaneously 72 hours after the infusion.
Experienced on 168 people (102 men and 66 women) followed for three years, the treatment was effective in regrowing hair in 80% of patients. In patients in the control group who had not undergone treatment, however, a worsening of baldness was recorded. The technique, the authors say, can also be used on cancer patients: "A possible field of application of treatment," says Ansa Giovanni Schiavone, the first author of the study and head of the regenerative medicine unit of the Idi in Rome, "It also affects patients who have lost their hair because of chemotherapy".
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