Biofuel from whisky by-products / Biocarburante da sottoprodotti di whisky Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Researchers in Scotland are using by-products from whisky production to create biobutanol and other biochemicals. Edinburgh Napier University researchers developed the new biofuel over the last two years, with the help of a £260,000 Proof of Concept research grant from Scottish Enterprise. The team focused on the two main by-products of whisky production – ’pot ale’, the liquid from the copper stills, and ’draff’, the spent grains – as the raw material for producing the butanol fuel. As part of their research, the researchers were provided with samples of whisky distilling by-products from Diageo’s Glenkinchie Distillery. With 1,600m litres of pot ale and 187,000 tonnes of draff produced by the malt whisky industry annually, the researchers believe that there is real potential for the biofuel to be ...