Dr. Giuseppe  Cotellessa

One of the first applications of the existence of induced rotational force is to help better understand the nature of the photon.

The current limit of official science regarding this complicated phenomenon, has come to identify the photon as a combination of sinusoidal wave variations of electromagnetic fields variable perpendicular to each other and with respect to the propagation direction of the photon at constant velocity c.

If we consider that the photon can be generated by the process of annihilation between an electron and a positron, which are elementary particles with equal masses and with opposite electrical charges (probably we must begin to hypothesize also with opposite masses (mass and antimassa)), everything starts to come back.

In the process of interaction between electron and positron it is as if the particles mate in some particular way, so the total total charge is zero. The photon is a particle that is overall neutral but somehow these particles that remain individually charged electrically rotate or move in some way. The electrical charges of the electron and of the positron, remaining in some way also separate from each other and rotating, create a variable electric field which in turn creates a variable magnetic field.

The existence of a complete symmetry of Maxwell's equations for gravitational fields should have profound consequences in physics.

The unification of gravitational fields with electromagnetic fields has important implications, starting to better understand the behavior of the photon's nature and to pay attention to the poor consideration of other physical theories that have unjustly overlooked the importance of the cause of the phenomenon of rotation of the photons bodies both at the level of the macrocosm and in that of the microcosm.

Let's see what it implies in the first instance, with the counts of the servant, in the improvement of the understanding of the nature of the photon the existence of the induced rotational force.

Assuming that the positron and the electron have mass and opposite mass (or antimassa) in the photon, the total mass of the photon is zero.

The photon, unlike the electromagnetic field, does not generate mechanical acceleration (equivalent of the electric field in the electromagnetic system) and therefore moves at a constant speed equal to that of the speed of light.

However, it has its own rotation frequency probably generated by the rotation vortex constituted by the system by the particles of electron and positron, which is not the same for all photons and which is linked to the photon energy with the known Einstein relation:

E = hν

According to the new view of the induced rotational force, even in the absence of gravitational mechanical acceleration we can ask ourselves whether it can give rise to a rotation that can last indefinitely even in the absence of a moment of force.

The classical definitions of Newton accepted uncritically by Einstein of rotation generation due to the existence of the moment of force become evanescent and inconsistent to explain the frequency of the photon that can persist for infinite times.

While the existence of the induced rotational force leading to the unification of the gravitorotational field with the electromagnetic field could explain the phenomenon of the rotation and the frequency of the photon with the variation of the magnetic field, how could there be a certain interdependence relationship between the Earth's magnetic field with the rotation of the Earth.

Obviously we are talking about simple assumptions, all to be verified experimentally and theoretically, but at least a crack has been opened to understand the mystery of the photon from the scientific point.
What are photons?
The light has always attracted the curiosity of man: what is it made of? Why is it so bright? The secret lies in the photon, a tiny particle of light! Let's try to discover together the main characteristics of this interesting elementary particle.
When he was 16, Albert Einstein dreamed before a mirror to ride a ray of light. The young dreamer sensed that he would not be able to see himself reflected in the mirror, because, standing above the light, he would move exactly at his speed; in order to be able to reflect, he would have to overcome the speed of light itself. Some time later, Einstein, a student at the Zurich Polytechnic, realized that the speed of light is a constant.
The term photon derives from the Greek and was introduced for the first time by Gilbert Lewis in 1926. The photon is indicated by the Greek letter γ and is associated with every electromagnetic radiation. Despite being an undulatory phenomenon, electromagnetic radiation also has a quantized nature that allows it to be described as a flow of photons. The photon is a particle that has infinite life: it can be created and destroyed by interaction with other particles, but it can not spontaneously decay. Although not having mass, it is influenced by gravity and has energy; in the vacuum it moves at the speed of light (c = 300,000 km / s approx), while in matter it behaves differently and its speed can fall below c. In fact, when it interacts with other particles it acquires mass and no longer moves at the speed of light. Bohr hypothesized that an atom can emit an electromagnetic wave (or radiation) only when an electron moves from an orbit with higher energy (Ei) to an orbit with less energy (Ef). The energy of the electromagnetic wave emitted is: E = Ei-Ef. Since both Ei and Ef can only assume well-defined values, the energy of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the atom can not have any value, but only discrete quantities, called quantum quantities of energy: photons. Thus matter is able to emit or absorb radiant energy only in the form of energy packages. Einstein calculated the energy associated with each photon and saw that it was proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic wave.
Wave or particle? The double nature of the photon
Before the discoveries of the first half of the twentieth century, waves and particles seemed opposite concepts: a wave fills a region of space, while an electron or ion has a well-defined location. On an atomic scale, in fact, the distinction becomes confusing: the waves have some properties of the particles and vice versa. Indeed, the photon shows a dual nature, both corpuscular and undulatory: depending on the instrumentation used to detect it, it behaves like a particle, or behaves like a wave. The experiment of the photoelectric effect (that phenomenon for which electrons are emitted by a body struck by electromagnetic waves) suggests the corpuscular nature of light, while the phenomena of diffraction and interference suggest a wave nature. To evaluate how light passes through a telescope, it calculates its motion as if light were a wave. However, when the same wave yields its energy to a single atom, it turns out that it behaves like a particle. Regardless of whether a ray of light is brighter or weaker, its energy is transmitted in quantity the size of an atom (the photon) whose energy depends only on the wavelength. The observations showed that this wave-particle "duality" also exists in the opposite direction. An electron should have, at any moment, a well-defined position and speed; but quantum physics tells us that precision in observations of this kind can not be obtained, and suggests that motion can be described as a wave. The wave-particle duality was considered paradox until the complete introduction of quantum mechanics, which unifiedly described the two aspects. Radiation behaves like a wave when it propagates in space, while it behaves like a particle when it interacts with matter. Then new quantities and notations are introduced: a wavelength electromagnetic wave λ travels a distance of c meters every second. Its frequency ν, ie the number of oscillations up and down every second, can be obtained by dividing c by the wavelength: ν = c / λ. A fundamental law of quantum physics says that the energy E in joules of a photon of frequency ν is: E = hν, where h = 6,624 10-34joule-sec is the "Planck constant".
Solid light and quantum computers
Today we know much more: researchers at the University of Princeton have managed to slow down photons and create a strange and new form of light: solid light! They have created a crystal made up not of atoms but of photons, that is, of particles that make up light (frozen photons). They obtained an agglomeration of 100 billion atoms of superconducting material as if it were an artificial atom; in their vicinity they passed a superconducting wire containing photons. Thus, light could "solidify", changing nature with a process that has been compared to a phase transition, that is, similar to when a gas condenses to become liquid or solid. The final aim of the researchers is the realization of a quantum computer capable of making calculations much more complex than those that solve traditional computers. Who knows, maybe in a few years, another young dreamer can actually ride a crystal of solid light and make reality the dream of the little "big" Einstein!

The electron-positron annihilation process is a reaction that occurs when an electron meets a positron (the antiparticle of the electron, or an antimatter particle): the subsequent collision process triggers the production of 2 photons of annihilation and, more rarely, , of 3 photons or other particles.
This process must follow certain conservation laws, including:
Conservation of the electric charge: the final and initial total charge is equal to zero.
Conservation of momentum and total energy: this prohibits the creation of a single annihilation photon.
The preservation of angular momentum.
It should be noted that the electron and the positron can interact with each other without annihilation, generally through an elastic scattering process.
The reverse reaction, the creation of an electron and a positron, is an example of torque production.
At low energies, the results of annihilation do not have a wide variety of cases; the most common involves the creation of two or more annihilation photonides; conservation of energy and momentum prohibits the creation of a single photon. In the most common case, two photons are created, each having an energy equal to the resting energy of the electron or positron (511 keV). Since the system initially has a total amount of zero, the gamma rays are emitted in opposite directions. The creation of three photons is also common, provided they preserve the C symmetry.
It is possible to create any number of photons, but the probability of each additional photon to be generated by annihilation is very low because of the greater complexity (and therefore less likely to happen) of the processes involved.
Even one or more neutrino-antineutrino pairs can be produced by annihilation, even if with very remote probabilities. Actually, theoretically any pair of particle-antiparticle could be produced, provided that it shares at least a fundamental interaction with the electron and this is not prohibited by some conservation law. However, no other particle produced by electron-positron annihilation has so far been observed.If the electron and / or the positron have high kinetic energy, several massive particles (e.g. mesons) can be produced, provided the energy of the two particles is sufficient to transform into the corresponding resting energy of the particles produced. It is still possible, of course, the production of photons, even if these will emerge from annihilation with very high energies.
At energies near or above the mass of the transport particles of the weak interaction, the W and Z bosons, the intensity of this interaction becomes comparable with the electromagnetic force. This means that the production of particles such as neutrino, weakly interacting, becomes more common.
The most massive particles produced by electron-positron annihilation in particle accelerators are the Bosone W + and Bosone W-, the single most massive particle is the Bosone Z.
One of the objectives of the International Linear Collider is the production of the Higgs boson starting from the electron-positron annihilation.
Positronium is an unstable system, consisting of a positron and an electron, which can form before the annihilation of the two particles. There are two types of p: the parapositronium (average life 10-10 s), in which the electron and the positron have antiparallel spin, and the orthopositronium (average life 10-7 s), in which the spins are parallel.
The orbits of the two particles around the center of mass and the set of their energy levels are very similar to those of the hydrogen atom. However, due to the fact that the reduced mass of the system is half the mass of the electron, the frequencies associated with the spectral lines are half of the corresponding ones of the hydrogen.
The fundamental state of positronium, like that of hydrogen, has two possible configurations that depend on the relative orientations of the electron and positron spin.
The singlet state with antiparallel spin (S = 0, Ms = 0) is known as para-positronium (p-Ps) and is denoted as 1S0. It has an average life of 0.125 nanoseconds and decays in a preferential way in two quanta range with energy of 511 keV each (in the center of mass). The detection of these photons allows the reconstruction of the vertex of decay and is used in positron emission tomography. Para-positronium can decay in every even number of photons (2, 4, 6, ...), but the probability decreases rapidly as the number increases: the branching ratio for decay in 4 photons is 1,439 (2 ) × 10-6.


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