Uno studio mostra i danni ai polmoni dei primi malati di Coronavirus curati in Italia / A study shows the lung damage of the first Coronavirus patients treated in Italy
Uno studio mostra i danni ai polmoni dei primi malati di Coronavirus curati in Italia / A study shows the lung damage of the first Coronavirus patients treated in Italy
Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa
Di prossima pubblicazione sull'International Journal of Infectious Diseases, le radiografie e le Tac appartenenti alla coppia di turisti cinesi curata all'Ospedale "Spallanzani".
Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa
Di prossima pubblicazione sull'International Journal of Infectious Diseases, le radiografie e le Tac appartenenti alla coppia di turisti cinesi curata all'Ospedale "Spallanzani".
I danni ai polmoni dei primi due pazienti cinesi affetti da Covid-19 e curati all’Ospedale “Spallanzani” di Roma mostrati in uno studio. Le immagini, che fanno parte di una prossima pubblicazione dell’International Journal of Infectious Diseases, mostrano le radiografie e le immagini della Tac ai polmoni appartenenti ai due pazienti. A riportarlo è il Daily Mail.
La coppia, composta da un uomo 67enne e da una donna 65enne, era in vacanza in Italia e non risultava affetta da particolari patologie, ma sottoposta soltanto ad una terapia orale contro l’ipertensione. Dopo aver lamentato problemi respiratori e febbre, i due erano stati sottoposti a test di laboratorio che avevano confermato positività al virus SARS-COV-2. Entrambi si erano aggravati fino a sviluppare la sindrome da distress respiratorio dell’adulto (ARDS). L’insufficienza respiratoria era insorta nell’arco di quattro giorni. Due giorni dopo, entrambi i pazienti respiravano solo con l’ausilio di un ventilatore.
Le prime radiografie effettuate sulla coppia facevano emergere “opacità del vetro smerigliato”: in sintesi, gli spazi aerei dei loro polmoni erano pieni di liquido, composto generalmente da pus, sangue o acqua. L’opacità del vetro smerigliato si associa di solito a gonfiore dei tessuti molli, conosciuto come consolidamento.
Riscontrata anche “pavimentazione pazza”, cioè ispessimento del setto e del setto intralobulare. Lo studio ha fatto anche emergere che i vasi sanguigni che trasportano il sangue dal cuore ai polmoni per ossigenarsi si stavano allargando, ovvero che stavano andando incontro ad una condizione di ipertrofia. L’ipertrofia riduce lo spazio per l’aria, causando difficoltà respiratorie.
X-rays and CT scans belonging to the Chinese tourist couple treated at the "Spallanzani" hospital will soon be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The lung damage of the first two Chinese patients affected by Covid-19 and treated at the "Spallanzani" hospital in Rome shown in a study. The images, which are part of a forthcoming publication in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, show the radiographs and images of the lung CT scan belonging to the two patients. The Daily Mail reports it.
The couple, made up of a 67-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman, were on vacation in Italy and were not affected by particular pathologies, but subjected only to oral therapy against hypertension. After complaining of respiratory problems and fever, the two had undergone laboratory tests that confirmed positivity for the SARS-COV-2 virus. Both had worsened until adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) developed. Respiratory failure had arisen within four days. Two days later, both patients breathed only with the help of a ventilator.
The first radiographs taken on the couple revealed "frosted glass opacity": in summary, the air spaces of their lungs were filled with liquid, generally composed of pus, blood or water. The opacity of the frosted glass is usually associated with swelling of soft tissues, known as consolidation.
Also found "crazy flooring", ie thickening of the septum and intralobular septum. The study also revealed that the blood vessels that transport blood from the heart to the lungs to oxygenate were widening, meaning that they were experiencing a hypertrophy condition. Hypertrophy reduces the space for air, causing breathing difficulties.
X-rays and CT scans belonging to the Chinese tourist couple treated at the "Spallanzani" hospital will soon be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The lung damage of the first two Chinese patients affected by Covid-19 and treated at the "Spallanzani" hospital in Rome shown in a study. The images, which are part of a forthcoming publication in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, show the radiographs and images of the lung CT scan belonging to the two patients. The Daily Mail reports it.
The couple, made up of a 67-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman, were on vacation in Italy and were not affected by particular pathologies, but subjected only to oral therapy against hypertension. After complaining of respiratory problems and fever, the two had undergone laboratory tests that confirmed positivity for the SARS-COV-2 virus. Both had worsened until adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) developed. Respiratory failure had arisen within four days. Two days later, both patients breathed only with the help of a ventilator.
The first radiographs taken on the couple revealed "frosted glass opacity": in summary, the air spaces of their lungs were filled with liquid, generally composed of pus, blood or water. The opacity of the frosted glass is usually associated with swelling of soft tissues, known as consolidation.
Also found "crazy flooring", ie thickening of the septum and intralobular septum. The study also revealed that the blood vessels that transport blood from the heart to the lungs to oxygenate were widening, meaning that they were experiencing a hypertrophy condition. Hypertrophy reduces the space for air, causing breathing difficulties.
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