Un nuovo oceano si sta formando in Africa lungo una spaccatura di 35 miglia che si è aperta in Etiopia nel 2005 / A new ocean is forming in Africa along a 35-mile rift that opened in Ethiopia in 2005
Un nuovo oceano si sta formando in Africa lungo una spaccatura di 35 miglia che si è aperta in Etiopia nel 2005 / A new ocean is forming in Africa along a 35-mile rift that opened in Ethiopia in 2005
Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa
L’Africa è attualmente alle prese con una trasformazione geologica mozzafiato che promette di rimodellare il continente e dare origine ad un nuovo oceano. Questo straordinario processo si sta verificando nella regione di Afar in Etiopia, dove una colossale fessura nella crosta terrestre, conosciuta come Rift dell'Africa Orientale, si sta progressivamente allargando ed approfondendo, rivelando il magma fuso sottostante.
La spaccatura in Afar è un’opportunità accattivante per testimoniare le forze fondamentali che modellano il nostro pianeta: la tettonica a placche. Serve come testimonianza della natura dinamica della Terra, offrendo un duro promemoria di quanto resta ancora da scoprire sugli intricati meccanismi del nostro pianeta.
Africa is currently in the throes of a breathtaking geological transformation that promises to reshape the continent and give rise to a new ocean. This extraordinary process is occurring in the Afar region of Ethiopia, where a colossal fissure in the Earth's crust, known as the East African Rift, is progressively widening and deepening, revealing the molten magma beneath.
The East African Rift is a consequence of the intricate dance of three tectonic plates – Nubian, Somali and Arabian – each moving away from the others. Diverging plates create spaces filled with molten rock from the mantle, forming new crust and giving rise to volcanoes. Although the East African Rift is not a new phenomenon, the Afar region stands out as one of the rare places where this rifting process takes place on land, offering a visible spectacle of continental transformation.
The Afar Depression, located in the Afar region, witnessed an extraordinary event in 2005, when the eruption of the Dabbahu volcano triggered a series of earthquakes, causing a 35-mile (60 km) and 26-foot (8 meters) wide within ten days. The ground between the crack collapsed, creating a depression ready to become a new sea floor. This astonishing event has been described by scientists as “the birth of a new ocean”.
Researchers used seismic data from the 2005 eruption to reconstruct the event, revealing that the rift quickly split its entire 35-mile span in just a few days. The process began with the eruption of the Dabbahu volcano, located at the northern end of the rift, followed by an upward surge of magma across the central region of the rift, gradually separating the rift in both directions.
Since then, the rift has continued at a slower pace, punctuated by occasional bursts of activity. Subsequent volcanic eruptions, landslides and ever-widening fissures continued to shape the evolving landscape. Satellite images from 2019 indicated a widening of the rift by 4cm in just six months, signaling the ongoing formation of oceanic crust.
The implications of this geological wonder extend beyond the realm of geology. The Afar region is a paradise for diverse and endemic flora and fauna, uniquely adapted to its harsh environment. Furthermore, it contains rich deposits of fossils and artifacts crucial to unraveling the history of human evolution.
While the exact timeline of the formation of the new ocean remains uncertain, prevailing hypotheses suggest that the Red Sea could flow into the emerging sea in about a million years. This link would connect the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, marking the completion of a profound geological transformation.
The birth of an ocean: In the context of plate tectonics, the creation of an ocean begins with a process of crustal rifting caused by mantle convection. A notable example of this phenomenon is the African Rift Valley. In the next phase, the rift valley widens to allow the infiltration of sea water, exemplified by the formation of the Red Sea. The expansion process persists, gradually expanding the ocean and eventually leading to the development of a fully mature ocean, as seen in the case of the Atlantic Ocean.
The rift in Afar is a captivating opportunity to witness the fundamental forces that shape our planet: plate tectonics. It serves as a testament to the dynamic nature of the Earth, offering a stark reminder of how much remains to be discovered about the intricate workings of our planet.
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