
Traffic Jam in Neurons Linked to Secretion of Alzheimer's Protein / Ingorgo stradale nei neuroni legato alla secrezione di proteine ​​di Alzheimer

Traffic Jam in Neurons Linked to Secretion of Alzheimer's Protein /   Ingorgo stradale nei neuroni legato alla secrezione di proteine ​​di Alzheimer Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Decades before the first symptoms of Alzheimer's appear, the brain's neurons start secreting tau proteins, one of the first changes known to occur in the course of the disease. High levels of secreted forms of tau--which can be detected in spinal fluid and, as recently reported, in blood--are known to be the most reliable predictor of who will eventually develop Alzheimer's disease. But a critical question about tau has remained unanswered: Why are neurons secreting tau in Alzheimer's disease? "Since tau secretion is one of the earliest events in Alzheimer's, figuring out why that happens can tell us about the underlying mechanisms of the disease, which is critical for developing therapies. If tau is the smoke, in other words, what

A New Gene Therapy Strategy for Eye Disease / Una nuova strategia di terapia genica per le malattie degli occhi

A New Gene Therapy Strategy for Eye Disease /  Una nuova strategia di terapia genica per le malattie degli occhi Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa / Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa A fluorescent microscope image with mitochondria highlighted in gold. This healthy cell shows a highly elaborate and well-connected network of mitochondria. /  Un'immagine al microscopio fluorescente con i mitocondri evidenziati in oro.  Questa cellula sana mostra una rete di mitocondri altamente elaborata e ben collegata.  Credit: Professor Jane Farrar and Dr Daniel Maloney, Trinity College Dublin. Scientists from Trinity have developed a new gene therapy approach that offers promise for one day treating an eye disease that leads to a progressive loss of vision and affects thousands of people across the globe. The study, which involved a collaboration with clinical teams in the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and the Mater Hospital, also has implications for a much wider suite of neurologi

CAR T-Cell Therapy Shows Promising Early Results in Children With Neuroblastoma / La terapia con cellule T CAR mostra risultati promettenti nei bambini con neuroblastoma

CAR T-Cell Therapy Shows Promising Early Results in Children With Neuroblastoma /   La terapia con cellule T CAR mostra risultati promettenti nei bambini con neuroblastoma Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa A novel CAR T-cell therapy developed by researchers at UCL and designed to target cancerous tumours, has shown promising early results in children with neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer. For this proof-of-principle study, researchers at the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute for Child Health (GOS ICH) and the UCL Cancer Institute modified the patient's own T-cells (a type of immune cell), equipping them to recognise and kill neuroblastoma tumour cells. Twelve children with relapsed or refractory (where the disease does not respond to treatment) neuroblastoma were treated as part of the Cancer Research UK-funded phase I clinical trial. The research, published in Science Translational Medicine, is one of the first studies to

Protein May Prevent Damage During Cancer Therapy / Le proteine ​​possono prevenire danni durante la terapia antitumorale

Protein May Prevent Damage During Cancer Therapy /  Le proteine ​​possono prevenire danni durante la terapia antitumorale Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa The cell survival protein BCL-XL may protect kidneys from damage caused by cancer therapies. /   La proteina di sopravvivenza cellulare BCL-XL può proteggere i reni dai danni causati dalle terapie antitumorali.  Credit: WEHI, Australia Australian researchers have identified a protein that could protect the kidneys from 'bystander' damage caused by cancer therapies. The 'cell survival protein', called BCL-XL, was required in laboratory models to keep kidney cells alive and functioning during exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Kidney damage is a common side effect of these widely used cancer therapies, and the discovery has shed light on how this damage occurs at the molecular level. Inhibiting BCL-XL has been proposed as a potential new cancer therapy, and this rese

Siamo molto più vicini al buco nero al centro della galassia / We are much closer to the black hole at the center of the galaxy

Siamo molto più vicini al buco nero al centro della galassia /  We are much closer to the black hole at the center of the galaxy Segnalato dal Dott. Giuseppe Cotellessa /  Reported by Dr. Giuseppe Cotellessa Siamo più vicini di 2mila anni luce al  Sagittarius A* , il buco nero al centro della nostra galassia che ha una massa di circa 4 milioni di volte quella del  Sole , di quanto stimato finora. A raccontarlo è un nuovo studio dei ricercatori di un progetto giapponese di astrometria, branca che si occupa delle misurazioni, posizioni e movimenti dei copri celesti, che hanno messo a punto una nuova  mappa  tridimensionale della  Via Lattea , dimostrando che non solo siamo più vicini al buco nero supermassiccio, ma anche che ci muoviamo a una velocità leggermente superiore di quella stimata fino ad ora. Precisiamo fin da subito che non c’è motivo di preoccuparsi: questi dati,  pubblicati  su  Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan , non significano che ci stiamo avvicinando a